Why can you create 23 pictures (this year) without us telling every little detail but are not able follow the instructions on the box of spaghettis to cook it?
It sounds like you are trying to make it more complicated then it needs to be. Lets say you start with spaghettis instructions on the package, but I complain. So what? What is going to happen if I don't like spaghettis or your art? Am I going to threaten your life & beat you to death? Will I throw the food out & then wine about how we are going to starve to death because your father does not make enough money for you to waist food & its all your fault that you are making me hurt you, until you are afraid to make any decisions with out my approval & even then I will still complain? Will you just eat the food & go, gee I should have made sauce, oh well.
For that matter what happens if I actually like the food? Its it going to bring peace to the world & end wars & crap?
i know very as to how you feel around people and the pain it accuses, but i still believe it pain others if ever decided to go through what you said. This is a tired point as you said, but life isn't about pleasing others as much as it is more trying to find your own place by yourself and enjoying. I hope these words serve of any service for you