It's finally out!
Thanks everyone for waiting. Life has been beating the shit out of both me and Gab but we finally got a break. I say that but right now I'm recovering from both Knotfest and a lumbar puncture so I'm in FUCKING agony so it's gonna be a quick one.
This chapter was one that I was simultaneously both looking forward to and dreading. I was joking with Gabbo that this would be the last chapter of BE. Partially because of our schedules getting in the way, partially because of the content itself. As I've referenced a few times in previous news posts, We Can't Lose Hope™ has been in vogue for a while and it's an attitude I don't share. It rings a little hollow (at least in my opinion). I had it in my head that as soon as we reached the part of the story structure where the true extent of Epper's flaw is revealed, a lot of people would reject the series outright, but it's a story I think will be worth telling so it's a risk I'm willing to take. Let's just say that spider farm isn't happening.
Misery's Sprout design was a real pain in the ass. I do like the spider-crab look I ultimately went for but man it's fucky. What if the Cloverfield monster had 7 more arms? Most sprouts have a kind of wet and squishy look to them whereas he for the most part looks hard and dry, at least to me.
I want to get to work on #8 as soon as I can. I know the way this one ended kinda left people hanging. Feels good to get to the climax of the arc though.
I don't have any results or MRI images to show unfortunately.