Hope you make it to the finish line with both legs working, bro. Even if shit looks grim, I pray that life throws you a few positive twists. I wish nothin' but health and happiness. I've been in darkness a lot of my life, no one deserves to rot in that crap. Sorry if my cheeriness might irritate you Grumpy, but I wish nothing but the best for ya. Trazadone is what I've taken to knock me out since I'm a insomniac.
Okay, so I sympathize with a family member following your social media. Except for me it's my mom. Which is just as awkward as it sounds. Also, I don't know if you need a prescription for it in Australia but the thing that helped me fall asleep within about an hour instead of several hours was magnesium glycinate. I don't know if it's just the placebo effect, but if it is, I don't care.
Also it's good to hear that you're probably not dying. Not having to drag yourself across the finish line with your arms would sure be nice though. I wish you good luck.