Creator of Bury Everyone and some other bullshit.

Anglerfish Enthusiast @OneGrumpyLumpy

Age 25

Victoria, Australia

Joined on 12/2/18

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Bury Everyone #5 Rant

Posted by OneGrumpyLumpy - 2 weeks ago

Haven't had a post-BE news post be titled "rant" in a while but here we are!

I think chapter 4 and 5 are twins in a way. Not only are they both the start of the arc and have a sad long haired doomer (like myself) but they're probably the most mentally taxing chapters I've released so far. 4 because of its content, 5 because of external factors that lead to it getting delayed so much. Sorry everyone for the wait. I promised it would be out in October and ended up releasing slightly before October so I've got that going for me I guess.

I think I like the current trend of chapters being around 30 pages. It just feels right somehow. It allows me to post big-ish parts on NG as previews and it pisses off Tom Fulp, a man who has done nothing but be silently supportive of my work and deserves better than this. Hopefully I can keep it up but also release them a little faster. Maybe when my fucked up head is able to be treated.


Vivi and Misery are my favourite new characters and I love them as I would my own children. I know a few years ago the dynamic of sad old man + difficult child was in vogue but in this case the child is pure evil and the sad old man is a little bitch. Maybe there's an alternate timeline where they go to Bunnings and get their cactus without issue. It's funny in my head at least.

But yeah, this is the chapter I've been waiting to write since Epper made this face in chapter 3:


I'm pretty exhausted after drawing all that so it might be another long-ish wait for chapter 6 but I've been wrong before, once again I am TERRIBLE with release dates.

As for my brain. Still no meaningful updates. I did go to the neurology department but all they really did was put some goo on my head and make me look at a screen. Next appointment is in October. That should be a fun one.



New chapter was great man. Hope everything's alright with your medical stuff.

The biggest revelation of my adult life was that 80% of doctors have no fucking clue what they're doing. How that could be the case, I do not know, but at a certain point you start going to appointments hoping that they WILL find something wrong because at least then you know what's going on. Regardless, I just found the webcomic and I can confidently say it is an absolute banger at the top of my list. As one person to another who's tried to improve their body and then had their body say "lmao fuck you," I'll try to send you good luck.