Hello again. I'm 21 pages into chapter 7 of BE so next time I have a sudden burst of motivation it'll probably carry me through to the end. I'm expecting it to release in late February.
As I write this, I'm house-sitting for my grandparents. One of which watches this account (god help us). Apparently he checks my profile every week to see if I've posted anything new. I find this news both adorable and horrifying. I wonder what he thinks of my comic. He probably wouldn't like it. He only likes Shakespeare, Ireland and conspiracy theories about Shakespeare. He hates music from Halo 5 when it appears on his classical music stations (good).
My appointment on the 30th could've gone better. First thing my doctor asked when I came in was if I had my spinal tap or first infusion yet, which took me by surprise because I was never notified about any appointments. Either they didn't expect it to take this long for me to receive either, or there has been a serious breakdown in communication on their part. The silver-lining is I'm now on Melatonin (FINALLY). It used to really piss me begging strangers on the internet for tips on how to sleep properly and either getting things I've already spent years trying or "you should get on melatonin" because they don't know you need a prescription in Australia. It hasn't worked yet. It makes me sluggish and tired, yes, but I somehow still lay awake in bed for hours despite it all. Unfortunately my insomnia is specifically PTSD-induced according to my psychologist. Basically being kept awake by my immediate family's bullshit has done permanent damage to my circadian rhythm. I'm probably going to need to up my dosage to elephant tranquiliser levels.
My next appointment is on the 11th. I'll be having a full brain and spine scan so I might have some new images to show off in March. I bet I have some new brain lesions. I've had a lot of unexplained dizzy spells since mid-January.
I can't think of much else to add other than I want this year to be productive in case I am dying. I'm probably not but I might not get to the finish line with working legs. I hope I live long enough to spite certain people who heard about my condition and made it about themselves.
Okay, so I sympathize with a family member following your social media. Except for me it's my mom. Which is just as awkward as it sounds. Also, I don't know if you need a prescription for it in Australia but the thing that helped me fall asleep within about an hour instead of several hours was magnesium glycinate. I don't know if it's just the placebo effect, but if it is, I don't care.
Also it's good to hear that you're probably not dying. Not having to drag yourself across the finish line with your arms would sure be nice though. I wish you good luck.