Creator of Bury Everyone and some other bullshit.

Anglerfish Enthusiast @OneGrumpyLumpy

Age 25

Victoria, Australia

Joined on 12/2/18

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OneGrumpyLumpy's News

Posted by OneGrumpyLumpy - September 5th, 2024

Bit of an update on my health because a lot has changed over the last 48 hours. In my last post I said they have no idea what's going on in my head but after today I've learned that it's more like no one knows what they're fucking doing.

Yesterday I went to the eye and ear hospital because my GP was worried I still have Optic Neuritis based on my recent MRI images. That turned out not to be the case and persistent swelling/pain is normal in former ON patients, or so they say. Recent events have made it very difficult to believe even trained professionals.

To cut straight to the chase, Multiple Sclerosis is back on the table despite being specifically told earlier this week I don't have it. Somehow the place I got my imagining done lost my first set of MRI scans from last year (which explains why I never got to look at those) and now that they've been found, they're saying I might have it. I don't know how they managed to fuck up like that. This shit cost me $600 which is a lot of money when you're an unemployed webcomic artist with an entire psych ward in your skull but I guess they dropped their USB stick in the toilet or something. Good fucking job there.

On the bright side I now have two referrals to neurology clinics so hopefully that does SOMETHING to say "this situation is urgent, get this fucker an appointment right now" but I could be waiting weeks, or even months. Let's hope I'm still in the early stages by then.

Fuck I wish this shit would end. I've felt like I've had comically bad luck for a very long time with the way everything seems to fall apart around me. That's gonna be the ultimate "fuck you" if I end up spending 2024 in the gym only to spend 2025 in a wheelchair. It makes me wonder why I even make an effort if I'm just going to be unceremoniously sent back to square one every single fucking time.

I'm just gonna shut my mouth about this whole thing until I either get a definite answer or I lose control of my bodily functions (they seriously told me to call them if I start shitting myself) because clearly between all the being pushed around and sent to all these places, both public and private, there's either been a breakdown in communication or everyone just forgets how to do their jobs around me.

I'll let you know when they get their shit together.


Posted by OneGrumpyLumpy - September 4th, 2024

Yep, it's out! Gabbo works quickly. The plot is indeed thickening.

I usually wait to have a bit more of a buffer between the Newgrounds previews and the pages I release on Patreon but since this one has already been delayed to hell and back thanks to other obligations and my ongoing medical issues, I decided it would be better to just release what I have. I hope the patrons are enjoying their 1 whole page of extra content (sorry).

I wonder how many people remember the "72 missing" clipping from chapter 3. I try to write/draw BE in a way that rewards binging (yes, the golden skink population is counting down to the end of the series), but it's kinda difficult when you have a release schedule as slow and inconsistent as mine. Still, it beats reading a completed long-running series and having to sit through entire chapters of recaps (Thanks AOT). Sorry if you have hiatus-brain. Maybe every chapter should end with Epper staring directly at the reader and asking if they caught all that.


Speaking of brains, I have a few updates on mine. There's no white matter deficiencies in my spine and I don't have Cancer or MS, which is good but I'm no closer to a diagnosis or prognosis. All of the tests say I'm perfectly healthy, however hard that is to believe.

So what the hell is this?


The short answer is we have no idea. I'll be seeing a neurologist at some point about it. I have a referral but no appointment yet. If I'm (un)lucky I might have some new disease named after me but it could be anything from MBD to a stroke. Even my MRI images are pressing F to pay respects. Yes these are the best quality images I was sent. I have jpegbrain. Maybe that's what I'll end up naming the condition.

Since I still technically have Optic Neuritis, I'll be going back to the eye and ear hospital to hopefully be put on steroids again. If you've been around since chapter 1 you'll remember how that went. Turns out "performance enhancer" is a very broad term. Either the next part of chapter 5 will come out very quickly or I'll be too groggy to work on it. Wish me luck!


Posted by OneGrumpyLumpy - August 31st, 2024

What's up my froglets

I have a 16 page preview of BE #5 waiting to be translated, which is nice. Gabbo is away from home and won't be able to start work until Monday but it should be ready within the next few weeks. Not happy about uploading new chapters at Death Clown speed but I guess that's just how the crusty died up dog shit crumbles.


Seriously though, thanks for bearing with us on this one. It's been pretty busy/scary these last few weeks. Still haven't received word on prognosis or treatment for my brain lesions yet but I probably will when the preview finally comes out. For those who missed it, I updated my last news post with pictures from the scan so you can go look at my brain. This is even more embarrassing than posting my nudes. I recently got another MRI done on my spine too so that's fun.


Just a short update this time. Go drink your juice.


Posted by OneGrumpyLumpy - August 21st, 2024

Hi everyone. No funny business this time.

First of all, I went to the Newgrounds meetup in Melbourne on the 17th and it was fucking sick. It was nice meeting some of you guys, even if a worrying amount of people now know what I look like. I've become a lot more private since the incident in 2022 but I'm glad I came.

With that out of the way, I had another MRI scan last week which I've just got the results for today and they're worrying to say the least.

Some of you might remember the end of last year when I was diagnosed with Optic Neuritis (swelling of the optic nerve that left me blind in one eye). ON is usually an early sign of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and is especially rare in men, but none of the blood tests I took brought up anything weird at the time and I don't have a family history of the disease so we just let that one slide under the assumption I was an extremely rare case.

Which brings us to the present. Last week's scan revealed I still have swollen nerves, which is weird because I can see out of both eyes just fine (for now), but I do occasionally get headaches behind my left eye. The part we're particularly worried about now is signs of demyelination of my corpus callosum. In layman's terms, the two halves of my brain are disconnecting. This could be for a number of reasons. It would be weird if I were diagnosed with MS now considering it's usually genetic but I've had shittier luck before I guess. I don't have a prognosis so I'll hold off on announcing that I'm dying for now, but something has gone horribly wrong in my head (again). Unfortunately I was not sent images from the scan but here are the notes.


So yeah. Turns out I'm a lot more fucked in the head than I thought. Truly the inside of my skull is a bottomless void of suffering and nightmares. I'll be getting another MRI done on my spine so we'll see what that looks like.

Until then, uhh... fuck.

UPDATE 25/08/2024: owgh me 'ead






You can see a few areas in these images where there's a little black/white spot buried deep in my head. That's a brain lesion (FUCK). There's probably more but that one is the most noticeable/consistent and the one that caused the most worry. These are low quality pics and I'm not a doctor (obviously) so there's probably a few things I'm missing. Hopefully they don't find more.


Posted by OneGrumpyLumpy - August 7th, 2024

Hi guys. This is the obligatory "yes I'm working on it" post for a fifth chapter of BE. I want to say by the end of this one, the comic will have finally eclipsed Death Clown in terms of page count. We'll see.

Progress has been slow since July was mostly dedicated to art fight. I started working on a 7th page (not including cover art) the other day. I've already had a few rounds of spending a full day on a single panel only to finish and realise "that doesn't work, I'll have to start over tomorrow" so we're well and truly back in business. I would've liked for it to get done faster but there's a lot twisting my nuts right now psychologically. Being 25 with no future gives you a lot of time to reflect, I guess.


People that know me well enough know I have more mental illnesses than a twitter bio. I try not to talk about it much anymore but I feel like I've accidentally made things harder for myself that way. When your brain doesn't process information the same way most people's do and has unusually strong/weak reactions to inconvenience/stress, you kinda have to tell your friends/coworkers/boss/agent/provider/etc what the hell your problem is. I don't know what looks more professional at this point. Would they be more forgiving if they knew I had spaghetti-code brain or would they just drop me faster?

I know a lot of these things are solvable, but I'm still trying to find where "you'll be fine, see a shrink" ends and "this is something you have to live with" begins. I'm not sure if I'll ever have stability but I'll be sure to use the anguish of not having it as motivation at the gym so I can one day punch a hole through the Earth.

All that to say, a bit of frustration helps me work on BE, but not when it makes me lightheaded. The usual cures aren't helping so I'm just gonna have to wait this one out. Maybe next week will be more productive.


Wish I had a more positive note to end this one on.

I beat Doom Eternal on Nightmare at the end of July. It wasn't that bad.


Posted by OneGrumpyLumpy - July 20th, 2024

Great news Bury Everyone readers!

Art fight is nearly over and when I'm not brutalising my fellow illustrators, I've been playing Doom Eternal for the first time on PC and after a week of adjusting to mouse and keyboard I just beat the game on Ultra-Violence difficulty. This means the fun part is over and August will be filled with sleepless nights and pinched nerves as I try to beat it on Nightmare! FUUUCK!!!!!

Also I'm starting on chapter 5.

If you've been following my recent art (ignore the shitty Mildew doodles) you'll notice some changes in my line weight. I've been playing with G pen settings lately. I really like how it looks but it feels slow and cumbersome to draw like that. For people that don't know, I draw with 0 stabilisation because I like rough look and it feels like pencil and paper. Unfortunately I've been doing it for so long that SOMEHOW 0 stabilisation doesn't feel like enough. I'm not sure how that's possible. Maybe I need to do a bunch of coke or something.

That's all really. Just a quick announcement to say I'm working on the series again. Makes me glad I did all the scripts for this arc ahead of time. Hopefully I'll be posting WIPS in August.


Posted by OneGrumpyLumpy - July 6th, 2024


Good afternoon ass biscuits.

What you're looking at above this text is the new archive page. It was inspired by a mock-up done by @gabb0sketches to make things a bit more visual. His used full cover art, which looked incredible but I'm thinking of the future. Assuming I finish it and nothing gets in the way (external or internal), BE could easily be at least 50 issues long. To save time scrolling (and prevent loading times from tanking) I went with thumbnails. I want to make the website more visually interesting in general. Right now it looks like a template but it's functional at least. I'll keep working on it.

Here's Gabbo's original design (made pre-chapter 4):


Despite everything else I have to do this month (art fight, concept art, taking a day off to watch all 5 bayformers films with the boys, etc), I'm already feeling the itch to start on #5. For some reason I won't allow myself to have a break. I wish I was like that with more things. I wish I had business autism rather than the webcomic strain. I'm not sure if I'd be rich or have a string of bankruptcies on my wikipedia page (probably the latter).

Because I don't say it enough, thanks for all the support on Bury Everyone. You guys are the real heroes here. I won't say "I love you guys" because that would be fucking weird, I don't even know who you people are and you're probably not right in the head if you're supporting my work, but it does mean a lot to me.

Now fuck off.


Posted by OneGrumpyLumpy - July 1st, 2024



Well that's chapter 4 done! Haven't had one over 25 pages in a while. I'm actually pretty exhausted after drawing that one. Somehow this was more exhausting than chapter 1, despite my eyes failing me towards the end. It's weird. When I draw the monster fighting parts, I want to write humans. When I'm writing humans, I want to draw monsters. It's a tale of two halves I guess.

No idea when I'll be able to start on #5 but it most likely won't be until late July with my new responsibilities (and art fight) but I'm pretty excited for these next few chapters. It feels like I'm finally making progress, even if by the end I'm fucking tired and don't want to look at these characters anymore lol. Until then I'm gonna show my other characters some love and maybe go for some more walks. GOD I've been needing it.


No these aren't Epper's parents that would be way too corny


Posted by OneGrumpyLumpy - June 21st, 2024


I told you it was rough.

If you actually liked that bit of the chapter then congratulations. You have a stronger stomach than me. Believe it or not I don't want BE to be the shit-all-over-Epper show. When writing the scripts for the next few chapters I was going to split the flashback into parts but I was getting really sick of putting them at the start of every chapter so when I did revisions I put them all at the start of 4 so I can give myself a break. I think it was the right idea in the long-run so I'm not slamming the breaks on at the start of every episode but I think something was sacrificed in the process...


Fuck you, kid.


Like I said on the post, Part 2 will most likely be done in July, early or late depending on other commitments. I'm drawing page 23 right now as I write this. I'm hoping to follow up the most depressing point of the series so far with one of the silliest to balance it out. It's nice to have Voca back. The final product will be somewhere between 30 - 40 pages.

As for the mentorship thing I brought up in the last news post, I don't think that's the right word for it but it's what my provider has been calling it. He read Bury Everyone so far and said it was sick (weirdo). I'll be doing some designs for him over the week. Might even get a job out of this if I'm lucky.

Here's Epper looking surprised as usual.


That's it for now, see you in the next one.


Posted by OneGrumpyLumpy - June 12th, 2024


Hey girls.

I'm writing this to say I've been working more on Bury Everyone #4. I'm now up to 16 pages and might have something to show Newgrounds before long Unfortunately it's looking to be a long one and will probably have to be split into parts anyway. I keep repeating myself but it's been a difficult chapter to draw, at least mentally. I miss when this series was about saying "fuck" and "shit" while fighting monsters. I've been making nightly progress on pages, my aim is to get as much done as possible before art fight.

The first 10 pages have been translated to spanish by @gabb0sketches, as usual. I'm gonna sit on them for a bit longer though, I want to finish this "act" before I show anything off.


Also some real life news, my job provider keeps throwing around the idea of setting me up with a mentor. I have no idea what such a thing would entail and I'm hoping for minimal interference. The meeting is this afternoon (it's 3am as I write this) and I'm shitting my pants. Seriously, if I start acting out of character after this, send help.

Also, I finally have a proper transparent version of the title text. It was seriously an image with a black background that I had set to add or glow dodge in blending up until now because I didn't know how to convert brightness to opacity. Forgive me, I'm fucking stupid. At least that'll come in handy when I start commissioning cover art.
